For a criminal attorney, one of the best potential outcomes for a case is to see the judge dismiss it. This is what folks outside of criminal law practice often call getting the court to "throw out" the case. It's far from a magic wand that a lawyer can just wave over any charge, but it's a tactic they'll frequently try. Look at how a dismissal work and the most common reasons judges throw out charges.
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Facing any sort of criminal charge can be beyond frightening; especially if you are facing jail or prison time. To make sure you don't serve any more time than is necessary, it's important that you find a criminal lawyer who has a certain amount of experience in criminal law so that you can rest assured that you are in good hands. Because attorneys aren't a sort of one-size-fits-all investment, you may want to consider looking for one that has the following things on their resume.
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People assume they can continue driving their vehicles like normal after they've been arrested and charged with DUIs, but that's not always the case. You may be surprised to learn that the DMV will sometimes suspend your license immediately after a DUI arrest even though your case is still ongoing. Here are two times when that may occur.
You Refuse to Submit to Chemical Testing
When people are pulled over for suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it's common for law enforcement officers to require the driver to submit to chemical testing of some kind.
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If you have been accused of a crime, you might consider using self-defense as a good technique for the courtroom. This criminal defense is one you can use to suggest that while you did commit a criminal offense, you were justified in doing so.
Think you might have a strong defense using the self-defense option? This is what you need to know.
Why Is Self-Defense A Legal Defense?
While the criminal justice system prefers that individuals do not use excessive force or violence, the courts do recognize that it is sometimes necessary for individuals to protect themselves with reasonable force.
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When it comes to driving under the influence, it's not so much about the substance and more about the impairment. Some drivers who like to use marijuana and then drive might be under several mistaken impressions. Read on to find out more.
There Is No Way to Measure Marijuana Impairment
While it's correct to say that no device or medical test to accurately measure the presence of marijuana exists at present, that is not to say there is no way to detect impairment.
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